The Commodity Investor The world's #1 resource for commodity, international, and currency investors Understanding the milk market With milk being one of the newest products on the futures market, its industry is not as well known to traders. The Commodity Investor is here to help. <% Dim connDB Dim rsn set connDB = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection") connDB.Open "DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver;; OPTION=16834; USER=commodity; Password=getrich;DATABASE=commodity" Set rsn = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsn.Open "SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY PK DESC LIMIT 0,15", connDB If NOT rsn.EOF then Do Until rsn.EOF Response.Write "" Response.Write "" &rsn("title") & "" Response.Write "" &rsn("blurb") & "" Response.Write "" &rsn("url") & "" Response.Write "" rsn.MoveNext Loop End If rsn.Close Set rsn=Nothing connDB.Close Set connDB=Nothing %>